Monday, August 24, 2009

Take me to your leader!


What do you mean you can't?

Wait. are you saying I'm you're leader?

That's not good.

Well, maybe it is good.

In all seriousness, I'll see about trying to get a alliance or two going, maybe get a raid going but I promise NOTHING. Got it?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Patch 3.2 and ToC

So. New 5 man is incredibly awesome for giving out lewts. When we get to 80 we can epic you all out very easily now. It's a really easy instance, and has all ilvl 200 stuff. I'm rolling in new dps and tanking gear having gone through it 3 times. and heroic is kinda fun. So join me at 80 and we can kick ass.

Plus changes are win. I seem to be doing very well at tanking.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lawlz from Horde /2

This may turn into something I do every now and then, but mostly this is because there's no one to tell this about right now. This was an actual conversation from Trade Horde side:

RandomDK: So now that I've talked to Thrall, where do I go?
RandomGuy: Africa
Twaittle: Wow you racist fuck
Twaittle: My mom is from africa

What follows isn't nearly that strange, but I'd just like to remind people like Tawaittle rarely does the word africa, standing on its own, have anything to do with race. So sad is teh internets.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Welcome to the United Order of Mayhem

It took a while but we've finally got some 80s. It's time to strike out and push for the dominance of the Horde! It's time we start putting ourselves to the test, and crush our measly alliance enemies under foot!


Got carried away there. Truth be told it's time to show ourselves to the world and say "we're here too" No more of this silly hide in the shadows of big daddy guild on alliance. Not that we're not grateful. She has shown us how to do things, and how not to do things. Now is the time to play horde! So those of you who've gone back and forth, come back to horde and see how things are different now. Get yourselves excited and get to 80(And not just because I'm lonely). Do it so we can trample all over Naxx and Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel.


Acaleira a.k.a. Gwaendel